Thursday, 8 August 2013

darwin to kathrine.

I made it to darwin, and discoverd that dispite glorious markets, and great beaches, darwins hidden gem is, well the tip. or to give it justice the shoal bay waste and recycling fecility. and what a fecility it is. Every peice of shite imagenable, a large commercal kitchen was backed by fashen shop and a bookstore comparible to the melboure libery. Further oult in the estate a arge workshop of metelworking and woodworking tools were supplyed for thoose wanting to work in the caryard, boatyard, bikeshop or tire joint. and then thier was the micelanious section. having trekked several kilometers loocking arond I finally viseted bike world and replaced suspenchon joints forks and  fromt wheels from the bike. a tio noch tip. thanks to ross and sharon for putting me up in darwin and bacholar.
heading down from darwin was a little more senic than the tip, I rediscoverd the fundemental land manegment practice here. if in dout, burn the f**** oult of it.

still the bush dose seem to recover pretty well.

dispite a crappy headwind all the way I finally made it to edith falls. it is a butifull gorge and sieries of pristene waterfalls, but it as well have been a vietnamiase water park. people swalmed everywhere like ants arond a drop of honey.

but the rangers kindly left a map showing a nice secluded gorge between the upper and lower waterholes. a spectacular, easelly acsesable gorge with knoone in it. and no do not proceed sighns arond it. it just (hyperthiticly) takes just a couple of small water jumps, some swimming and a bit of scrambling to get along it. inevetably I had to walk 1km back along the track in a piar of undys, a t shirt  sandals. ( to get my pants) 

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